1. TL Burreau + Tarberak Architectural Studio – Yerevan, Armenia
2. Plan Buro LLC – Yerevan, Armenia/Saint Petersburg, Russia
3. Architectural bureau PointPro – Rostov-on-Don, Russia
4. ArchiVisions Architectural Bureau – Krasnodar, Russia
5. AMIROV ARCHITECTS Architectural Bureau – Sochi, Russia
6. AXIS Design Bureau – Krasnodar, Russia
7. Vladimir Vladimirovich Perekrestov Architect – Rostov-on-Don, Russia
8. Vladimir Nikolaevich Ovchinnikov – Saint Petersburg, Russia
9. ASDF Architectural Bureau – Yekaterinburg, Russia
10. Anton Karasov Studio Architectural Bureau – Moscow, Russia
11. Isaev Architects Architectural Bureau – Yekaterinburg, Russia
12. KONSHINstudio Architectural Studio – Kirov, Russia
13. URBAN studio Architectural Bureau – Yerevan, Armenia
14. A.iT Architectural Bureau – Moscow, Russia
15. Kerimov Architects – Moscow, Russia
16. Architectural bureau XORA – Moscow, Russia / Tbilisi, Georgia
*The list of participants will be updated online as applications are received.
The new football stadium must meet the requirements of the International Football Association (FIFA).
The stadium is designed with a capacity of close to 10,000 spectators for holding international cup tournaments.
About the plot:
1. The plot of land is located in Yerevan, Armenia.
It is an oval-shaped plot of land located on a plateau adjacent to the floodplain of the Hrazdan River (Diagram attached) and Yerevan Lake. The plot is adjacent to the existing street and road network. The plot can be divided into two components: 1. Construction zone - the length at maximum points is about 240 meters, the width is 206 meters.
Currently, the Nairi stadium, built in 1960, with a capacity of 6,850 visitors, is located on this plot.
2. Brief description of the project
It is planned to build a stadium complex and public utility areas for the city's infrastructure, consisting of:
2.1. FIFA Category 4 stadium with a capacity of close to 10,000 visitors, located in the southern part of the plot.
2.2. Public utility areas are a complex that should harmoniously merge with the stadium volume and be a single volumetric-spatial architectural composition.
The northern part of the stadium site, along Bagratunyants Street, has advantageous visual points on the Yerevan Lake (northern direction), the landscape park of the Hrazdan River gorge (western direction), Mount Ararat (southern direction), which makes it possible to develop a wider range of purposes for public utility areas.
2.3. The Stadium complex must be provided with parking spaces according to standards, which must be taken into account when designing the volumetric-planning solution for the composition of the facility.
2.4. Landscaping. It is necessary to provide for maximum preservation of the natural landscape and minimization of the impact on the environment.
3. Attached as a separate file:
Requirements for the concept composition:
a) Slide showing the location of the site within the boundaries of the municipality;
b) Slide with the functional division of the territory (public areas, stadium, square, park area, etc. (depending on the proposed functional division);
c) Slide with a general view of the entire complex of objects, a slide of public areas from several angles, a slide of the stadium from several angles, a slide of the square - a slide of the "visitor entrance" zone, other slides on the development of the territory;
d) Slides with views from various zones of public areas, etc.;
e) Description of the technical and economic characteristics of the object;
f) Type of materials required for the construction of the object (a separate document in tabular form in Word format);
g) Projections of plans and sections;
h) Consider climate features; Format of submission of the Architectural concept - Pdf Video (approximately 35-45 seconds). Submission format - any PC-readable format that transmits image clarity MP4, MOV, FLV, etc.
- registration until: 01.03.2025
- acceptance of applications until: 01.04.2025
- acceptance of works until: 01.06.2025
Prize - 7000 €
An agreement is concluded with the Winner, the terms of which provide for:
revision of the Architectural Concept based on the Customer's comments (if any comments) and its transfer in DWG format, transfer of exclusive rights to the Concept to the Customer while preserving the copyright for the Winner.
Task: Conceptual architectural solution for the Stadium complex.
Accepted: Architectural Concept - Drawing ; Pdf Video (approximately 35-45 seconds).
Submission format - any PC-readable format, transmitting image clarity MP4, MOV, FLV, etc.
Invited to participate: architectural firms, architects, designers, students from all over the world, working in groups and individually
Organizer: FC Urartu, Armenia
Country of the organizer: Armenia
Competition status: international
Topic: architecture
* Required Fields