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С 11 по 25 декабря прошли теоретико-практические двухнедельные семинары-тренировки с тренерами юношеских команд Академии «Урарту». Они носили образовательный характер. Тренеры применили теоретические знания, накопленные во время семинаров, на практических занятиях, проводимых в течение второй недели. Семинары вели и.о. директора академии «Урарту» Артур Назаретян и помощник главного тренера академии Арсен Петросян.

The purpose of the organized trainings was to familiarize our coaches with the changes in the game philosophy taking place in world football, which would give its positive results during the season, would make teamwork with young footballers more effective.

Particular attention was paid to the work that contributes to the improvement of the psychological state of the players of the academy, for which both coaches and parents are responsible.

They also discussed the introduction of innovative technologies into the training and game processes of the teams of different ages of Urartu FC academy.